If you’re thinking about finally joining the food truck industry, then know these two things: (1) Now is the perfect time to become a food truck owner. (2) Start taking the necessary steps today, even if you don’t plan on joining the mobile kitchen industry until a year or two down the road.
It’s great that you want to finally take the leap that is following your dreams, but you need to start taking action now if you ever plan on turning your dream into a reality. Therefore, we came up with five steps you can take right now to begin your food truck journey, and said steps can be found below.
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5 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Begin Your Food Truck Journey
5. Brainstorm Food Truck Concepts
What do you want to cook? Do you have some otherworldly recipes up your sleeve, or do you plan on starting from scratch? It’s okay if you don’t have the necessary means to open your own food truck business right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning.
A good starting point would be figuring out your actual food truck concept. From there, you can start perfecting your craft by cooking food and making sure all of your meals are on point. From there, you can create your actual menus (of course, you could also start creating the infamous business plan).
4. Look For Manufacturers
You’re eventually going to have to buy a food truck if you want to become a chef in this industry. That’s a no-brainer … so you might as well start pricing food trucks now, and looking for manufacturers. This will help you get a budget in order.
Now, we, of course, recommend you going with a high-end food truck that is oozing with quality. You know, a company like Custom Concessions. We can help you every step of the way, and make your dream food truck a reality.
Nonetheless, you need to get a better idea of how much food trucks actually are, and how long it will take you to come up with the funds for your truck, so start your food truck buying search as soon as possible.
3. Figure Out Where You Want Your Destination(s) To Be
This is an important step for many different reasons. First and foremost, location is everything in the food truck industry (you know what they say … location, location, location), and if you decide to go with a destination that isn’t known for its foot traffic, then you might struggle to attract customers. Not to mention, you can’t just park anywhere, and things like permits, regulations, laws and rules come into play.

Therefore, do some big-time research in this department, and see where you can and can’t park … as well as searching for amazing destinations that haven’t been picked yet. Reminder: Your business is mobile, so you can have more than one location, and you really should if you are going to survive and thrive in this industry.
2. Start Saving Your Money
You have to start saving eventually, so why not start that process now? Even if it’s just a little here and a little there. A food truck is quite the investment, especially if you go with a high-end food truck, which could cost you at least $70,000 if you are going for quality (aka your dream truck).
If you don’t want to go with a new truck, then you don’t have to, because there are plenty of food trucks for sale on the market. Plus, you can also get your truck financed (you probably should save up for the downpayment if you go this route, making saving an essential step no matter what the case might be).
RELATED: 5 Issues You Will Face When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner
1. Get Hungry For Knowledge
The more you know now, the better off you will be once you actually do become a food truck owner. Therefore, start getting hungry for knowledge now, and then start learning like crazy. Learn about this industry, learn about business in general, learn about entrepreneurship, learn about chefs, learn about cooking — everything!
You should be starting this step now (like today!), because there should be nothing holding you back from it. You don’t need money to learn about the food truck industry, and what it actually takes to run a successful food truck business.
Here’s the deal: You can never stop this step. You have to always be learning about this industry, whether it is new trends, the competition, social media or whatever it might be.
If you are trying to break into the food truck industry, make sure to check out these food trucks for sale!
Looking to sink your teeth into more advice on this industry? Make sure to check out the two articles below (previews and links included).
7 Random Things All Prospective Food Truck Owners Need To Consider
“While the food truck industry might be a glorious industry that many people are currently thriving in, breaking into said industry is no easy feat. Not only do you have to come up with a killer concept that people will love but you also have to come up with the money to buy the food truck (and all of the equipment!).”
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Food Truck Grand Opening
“You came up with an otherworldly business plan, you picked a food truck concept, you made your menus, you hired an employee or two, you figured out your locations, you tackled permits and regulations, you raised enough money to buy a food truck (and then you bought a food truck), and you are now ready to enter the mobile kitchen industry. You have notified your friends and family about this life-changing career, and you have also built up your social media following. What’s next?”
Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!
Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.
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