When looking to join an industry, people will research what to expect, how to enter, qualities to have and the list could go on and on.
We wanted to do some of the legwork for aspiring food truck owners. Therefore, we gathered 11 timeless Custom Concessions articles that will help you enter the food truck industry.
Check them out below and good luck during your mobile kitchen journey.
Timeless Custom Concessions Articles For Aspiring Food Truck Owners
10 Awesome Reasons To Become A Food Truck Owner
Your Job Will Be Anything But Boring
Being a food truck owner is not boring. Trust us. From angry customers to happy ones, you are going to have some entertaining days. If you are bored as a food truck owner, then you are either extremely good at your job (and delegate a lot), or you likely have empty food truck lines, which isn’t typically a good sign.
Nonetheless, there is nothing boring about being a mobile kitchen owner.
Things That Are Stopping You From Entering The Food Truck Industry
This is likely the biggest reason why people don’t enter the food truck industry. After all, it is going to cost a small fortune to purchase a food truck and all of the equipment, especially if you buy a high-end food truck, which we very much recommend.
You don’t have to be a millionaire to buy a food truck. In fact, here are some options for you: (1) Ask your friends and family for the money, and save every penny on top of that. (2) Finance your food truck.
7 Random Things All Prospective Food Truck Owners Need To Consider
You say you want to run a food truck business, and that’s great! However, if you don’t live in an area with a lot of foot traffic/tourism/a busy area, then you should probably think about moving.
Your return customers (which might only be friends and family in the beginning) are not going to eat at your lunch truck every day. Therefore, you need to be in an area in which a ton of people cross paths with your food truck business. If that is not the case/if you live extremely far from this type of area, then you might want to think about moving.
5 Issues You Will Face When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner
There are likely two different kinds of people in your life: (1) The ones who support you, and (2) the ones who don’t, which is why you are going to deal with the issue of acceptance from everyone you know when trying to break into this industry.
Needless to say, you are going to have plenty of naysayers — you know, people who don’t support your dreams, and tell you they can’t be done. This is quite the challenge because these naysayers are going to be people you love, people who you thought believed in you.
Tips For Starting A Food Truck Business
With that in mind, we’re going to be dishing out 10 tips for starting a food truck business below, and they apply to entrepreneurs, business owners, chefs and restaurant franchises. While these aren’t the only tips you should follow when joining the food truck industry — because there are an unlimited amount of tasks when it comes to this venture, and everyone’s situation is different — we hope these tips can help you achieve the feat that’s joining the food truck industry.
Food Truck Commissary Information
A Commissary is a commercial kitchen where food truck owners can prepare and store their food. These commercial kitchens should be fully [equipped] with refrigeration, cooking equipment, sinks, and waste disposal units. These commissaries will need to be inspected by your local health department.
Since space on a food truck is limited, commissaries are very convenient for prep work and storage. Many commissaries also offer ingredients for your menu and supplies for your truck, selling anything from napkins to meat.
Food Trucks vs. Food Trailers
The biggest advantage to choosing a food truck over a food trailer, is that it is one unit, making it ideal for making multiple location stops. You needn’t worry about towing anything, and your overall size will be smaller making it easier to navigate through tight city streets and sharp turns.
5 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Begin Your Food Truck Journey
This is an important step for many different reasons. First and foremost, location is everything in the food truck industry (you know what they say … location, location, location), and if you decide to go with a destination that isn’t known for its foot traffic, then you might struggle to attract customers. Not to mention, you can’t just park anywhere, and things like permits, regulations, laws and rules come into play.
Questions You Will Likely Have When Trying To Become A Food Truck Owner
Do you want to make family recipes? Is there a specific food concept you love to make? Do you want to create your own concept by combining two concepts together? The choice is yours — just be sure to pick the concept that is right for you, because this is something you shouldn’t change once your shop is open.
5 Things A Traditional Restaurant Could Do With A Food Truck
On top of catering and having normal business hours, with a food truck, you can also travel to food events with ease, and that means the possibility of making more money and gaining even more exposure. These food events can be anything and everything, such as parades, festivals, weddings, reunions, parties, Oktoberfest outings and even events that are tailored for food trucks (aka food truck events).
5 Things You Need To Start A Food Truck
Everyone thinks their ideas are unique and they were the first people to come across said ideas. However, did you actually do your research to see if this idea was truly unique? There are many unique twists and ideas in the mobile kitchen industry, so it’s important to do your homework on this subject. Of course, if you already have established sit-down restaurants, then you will likely go with the food concept of those restaurants because they already have proven results attached to them (and an audience/customers).
Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!
Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.
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